in most soccer (or more accurately "futbol") countries, nothing is more exciting than hearing that word screamed in euphoria by a sportscaster. I have personally found myself yelling this word inside my head since school began--but more out of frustration than delight. I always feel like a new term is a new start, a new beginning, a chance to reinvent yourself all over again. Thus, I really wanted to lay out my goals in order to better myself, and make my work more effective all around.
this is what I've decided:
1. Get organized- from my address book, to class records, to contacts I meet and study with, I need more organization to be more effective with my time and energy.
2. Blog more- as alluded to in my previous blog, I need to be better about iforming people of what's going on.
3. Follow up/through- I have made plenty of contacts and built a lot of relationships already this year. I need to keep up those relationships and improve on them. Following up and being proactive to get invovled in people's lives will help this.
Overall, this has already been a highly successful year (not in numerical terms-that's never been important according to The Book). We have found ourselves being transformed in ways we never would have imagined over a year ago. Out teamwork has sharpened us and made us accutely aware of our progress in our personal development. On a personal level, I am happy working here and allowing myself to be transformed more and more like the image of the One I follow.
This is the second one this week! It's a good one!